-ansi + -pedantic and maybe gnome


I am testing C abit now for fun. I have used C++ so there is no real

BUT I was wondering if i should use the -ansi -pedantic compiler flags
when i *relearn* to get the right style. Or is most of the world using
-std=C9x ? 

I am most thinking about diffrent types of *NIX's. But the Linux OS
foremost. And how *portable* the C9x mode is. 
I am using Gcc3.2.2 and that don't support the C9x standard fully as
said in the man file. But anyway? 

Wich should i use? : 

I was thinking about maybe help in someway with the gnome project. Wich
is allmost only C. I have seen alot of -ansi pass by when compiling
gnome stuff, so I guess that I should use -ansi me too? 

// Leif D

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