Re: Suggested look for new devtools page

On Sat, 2001-09-01 at 05:32, Christian Schaller wrote:
> Hi,
> Before I start adding lots of content to the page I thought I should
> here if anyone here didn't like the look I made based on the gIDE page
> Dave had made.
> The current draft can be seen here (only insite link working is gIDE
> one). 

Hi. I like most of the design of the page, but I have a few suggestions
for improvements:

        * The lines in the navigation column on the left, though nice
          looking, makes it hard to read the captions on the different
          sections.  I'm thinking of "Information", "Components", and
          "Links". I think that either these captions should have a
          different coloured background, or the vertical lines should be
          of another, "lighter" colour. Something closer to the lines on
          the right than to the lines of the left.
        * When you switch between subsections (in this case only the
          main page and the gide page, but I'm assuming this is
          representative for the design), the entire page, including
          navigation column and title graphics is reloaded. Even if the
          graphics is cached, this causes the page to "flicker" (at
          least in my mozilla) when you shift through the pages. Is it
          possible to avoid reloading anything but the new parts?
          (Don't know much about webdesign myself, so I have no idea
          about what's possible and what is not, but I belive I have
          seen pages with that behaviour).
        * I don't think you should link from a page to itself in the
          navigation bar. Rather, the current page should be highlighted
          and not a link.  The highlighting because the navigation bar
          then can be used to show your current location on the site.
        * Could the title graphics either expand to the full page with
          or blend into the background rather than stop about a
          centimeter before the end of the text?  If it can't expand,
          should the text at least not be stopped before the end of the
          tile? I realize that the title graphics could be changed due
          to Dave's objections, but if the new design resembles the
          current I think you should take this into account.

These are only suggestions. I am no longer involved with any dev. tools
nor am I a user of them so I don't really have a say in this, but you
can think about it and take what you can use.


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