Re: gdk-pixbuf external conversion?

On Sat, Jun 17, 2000 at 05:05:24AM -0400, Wolfgang Sourdeau wrote:
> >>>>> In article <>, Robert Mibus
> >>>>> <> writes:
>     Robert> (the attached patch is also @
>     Robert> incase the patch doesnt 'stick' when its posted to the list.)
> A good way to start implementing it would be to get the source code of
> that utility (provided the licenses are compatible) and to adapt/merge
> it in gdk-pixbuf (to create a module for it).

that is the approach that i would have liked to use, except (1) my coding is
pretty horrible most of the time, (2) i don't want to do that for 20 odd
converters included in libgr-progs (ok, so not all would be needed, but...),
and (3) i couldnt find any good documentation on how to make a proper module.

but if you could point me in the way of some documentation (other than the .c
files :), i'd be very grateful.

> Wolfgang

Robert Mibus <>
A debugged program is one for which you have not yet found the conditions
that make it fail. (Jerry Ogdin)

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