Re: Unannonced team de_BY or mistake?


 Pretty please, don't Cc: me off list. I received this on list (gnome-de
that is) and replied because of the mail there, so pretty please don't
Cc me additionally beside sending to the list...

* Danilo Segan <danilo gnome org> [2003-12-16 13:08]:
> Gerfried Fuchs <alfie ist org> writes:
>>  de_BY is usually used for "German in Bavaria", not Belarus. In Bavaria
>> they have a quite funny (or strange) slang. So you might think of it as
>> en_scottish or similar, if you like.
> Google search for de_BY turned out only sporadic mentions (if we count
> out gdesklets and everything related like .spec files) of it in
> relation to Bavaria, so I must doubt that it really is "usually used".

 Well, in discussions in germany (or even austria) it is referenced to
quite commonly, more like a joke. And I would guess that it was done
just as a joke, noone partly sensible would use such a locale for daily
work :)

> OTOH, this breaks the convention which *is* usually used, and which
> makes locale string of the form
>   ll_CC CHARSET free-form-modifiers
> where ll is taken from ISO 639-1 and CC from ISO 3166-1 (using these
> standards is also part of convention).

 Didn't know that and didn't do it myself, sorry. This is something that
has to be addressed with Christian and Martin.

> I think it's bad to break this convention, and I would rather suggest
> to use something like "de bavaria", or "de BY", if that's what you
> need to distinguish -- gdesklets is not going to be used on any but
> POSIXy systems, because that's where Gnome runs.

 Fully ACK, the standard for the naming is there and should of course be
obeyed. I just tried to explain how the de_BY might have happened.

>>  The contents looks good in that respect. People often ask me if I might
>> like to work on a de_AT or even de_VI (VI for vienna) locale. It might
> de_VI would be as wrong and as misleading as de_BY is, as we could
> see these days (otherwise, we wouldn't even have this discussion).

 Of course I would check the standard more closely before doing it, for
sure. I just think that this is a unfortune accident and wasn't done on
intention to get any belrusian translators confused.

> As for the original question, gdesklets is not really a part of
> Gnome, it is only hosted on Gnome CVS, and this issue should be
> brought up with its maintainers, unless translators come to agreement
> themselves :-)

 No matter if it is part of Gnome or not it should of course be brought
up with the maintainers, but they are already in the Cc-List (I guess
they receive each mail doubled though, because I know at least that
Christian is subscribed to gnome-de ...).

 So long,
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