Dt. Übersetzungen (Re: Future of the icon project)

Markus, ich möchte dir gern wieder die gnome-libs übergeben -- ich
persönlich möchte mich wieder mehr um SGML/XML und den Emacs kümmern.

--- Begin Message ---
mawarkus t-online de (Matthias Warkus) writes:

> - I'm also refocussing on the German translations, which need my
>   attention; I think I'm still featuring as the de team coordinator.

Yes, at times you were desperately missing (but never abandoned).
Welcome back!

> - Finally, I want to code for GNOME some day, too, I don't want to
>   spend all my GNOME life managing artwork.

Yes, too.  It's important to set priorities.  But I personally don't
judge hacking as the most important part of the project -- at least,
user support, doc writing, translations, "artwork", server maintenance
are equally important and honored, hopefully.

work : ke suse de                          |                   ,__o
     : http://www.suse.de/~ke/             |                 _-\_<,
home : keichwa gmx net                     |                (*)/'(*)

--- End Message ---

work : ke suse de                          |                   ,__o
     : http://www.suse.de/~ke/             |                 _-\_<,
home : keichwa gmx net                     |                (*)/'(*)

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