Re: [gnome-db] how to install ligda-5.0 or ligda-4.0 on windows with Mingw

here are attached the scripts I use, in the following context:
* the scripts are located in the root directory of the source code (git clone)
* when I want to do a Linux or MacOSX build, I just run "./do_configure" and then the traditional "make" and "make install"
* when I want to create a Windows32 build, I create a "_Windows32" directory at the root of the source code, and from that directory, run "../do_configure", followed by "make" and "make install"
* same for Windows 64, but with a "_Windows64" directory (though it's currently not working well, something I need to work on)
* the Windows binaries (which you can also install from Fedora packages) are located in /local/Win32 and /local/Win32.Fedora on my box

So to match you build environment, you'll have to modify those scripts a bit.



On 4 May 2013 18:16, TJF <bottich nurfuerspam de> wrote:

Vivien Malerba wrote on 2013 April, 16 (13:40 h)

> These packages basically contain the .h and .dll files required to compile
> Libgda. Once they are installed, you can almost run the configure script in
> Libgda (I'll give you the wrapper script I use once you get there).

Hello Vivien,

thank you (and all other developers) for your effort regarding libgda
and thanks for your kindly support.

Would you mind sending (uploading) the wrapper script now?

I'm also interested in cross-compiling libgda on Ubuntu to test some
patches I made for libgda-ui.

I can run the original configure script. But it generates '-pthread'
compiler flags which cannot be handled by the cross-compiler.

Hoping to get the missing inspiration from your wrapper script.

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Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: mingw-configure
Description: Binary data

Attachment: mingw-configure64
Description: Binary data

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