Re: [gnome-db] Question about the Advanced GdaDataSelect usage

On 28 October 2011 22:08, Kirill Scherba <kiriushka gmail com> wrote:

I've added code from the "Advanced GdaDataSelect usage" example "Automatic re-run of the SELECT statement" to my application and it doesn't work properly. I have an error message When I execute the next  
gda_set_set_holder_value (params, NULL, "theid", 4); 
in my code, and the data doesn't changed. 
The message is: WARNING **: Could not re-run SELECT statement: Can't get the prepared statement's actual statement

When I try the next sample in the "Advanced GdaDataSelect usage" - Invalid parameters I have other message and code doesn't execute properly too. The message is: Could not execute the SQL command: Parameter 'theid' is invalid

What's wrong? What's the secret is in the "Advanced GdaDataSelect usage"?

It works for me, see the simple example attached, which gives the following output when run:
id | name          | default_served_by | country | city
 2 | Ed Lamton     |                 4 | SP      | MDR
 3 | Lew Bonito    |                 1 | FR      | TLS
 4 | Mark Lawrence |              NULL | SP      | MDR
(3 rows)
id | name          | default_served_by | country | city
 2 | Ed Lamton     |                 4 | SP      | MDR
 3 | Lew Bonito    |                 1 | FR      | TLS
 4 | Mark Lawrence |              NULL | SP      | MDR
 9 | Greg Popoff   |                 2 | SP      | MDR
(4 rows)

To check your problem, could you be more specific about the version of Libgda you use and which database server you use? Also a small test case would be useful.



Attachment: 20111101_data_select_rerun.tbz
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