Re: [gnome-db] [Vala] Web framework in Vala

May you want to use GDA[1] as your Database driver holder and use some
futures I'm developing in Vala for it. GDA and my resent additions in
libgda-vala branch, have full GIR/Typelib and Vala bindings to get
access from any language supporting GObject Introspection.

I want to create a GObject DataBase persistence framework and get some
functionalists equivalent to Python's Django framework. I plant to use
metadata information from database adquired by GDA to "navigate"
between  objects with references and get others that depends on it,
like Django does, with the advantage to have Vala/C/GObject library
available to different languages.

I also plan to develop a small cash management application using Vala


2011/12/7 Antono Vasiljev <self antono info>:
> Hello, All.
> I've pushed v0.0.1 of web framework for vala - Valum.
> Some features and ideas behind Valum:
> - Inspired by sinatra.rb
> - Allows lua scripting (more to come)
> - Based on Soup for http parsing
> Planned features:
> Join the fun :)
> --
> antono
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