Re: [gnome-db] libgda doesn't open transactions

On 1 December 2011 10:14, Andrea Zagli <azagli libero it> wrote:
Il giorno mer 30 nov 2011 20:50:53 CET, Vivien Malerba ha scritto:

On 29 November 2011 18:41, Andrea Zagli <azagli libero it> wrote:

branch 4.2 (last commit), postgresql 8.4, windows

i have a strange behavior of libgda: on 2pc (a winxp and a win7) it
doesn't open transactions and it doesn't return errors

tested with gda-browser: when i click on begin button nothing happens
(commit and rollback buttons remain disabled)

version 4.2.10 works; and it works also on my pc where i develop and where
i have 4.2.12 HEAD; environments probably are not the sames, but libgda and
libpq are at the same version

I don't understand which version doesn't work: from my POV the last commit
of branch LIBGDA_4.2 is the same as what call 4.2.12 HEAD.

4.2.12, but only on 2 pc where i installed my application (but 4.2.10 works)

on my pc (vista), where i develop, 4.2.12 works

If you can test, does the non working version work when installed on a
Linux box with the same postgres server?


If the problem cannot be reproduced on a Linux box, there is not much I can do from here: Windows configurations can vary very widely from box to box (depending on OS updates, sofware installed, installed and later removed, ...)

If you can identify a way for me to reproduce the bug, please let me know.



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