Re: [gnome-db] Alternative to "gda_prepare_create_table" not using variable arguments ?

On 29 June 2010 22:12, Thomas Bollmeier <TBollmeier web de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I currently work on a small application that has defined its own interface
> for data accesses. To make use of the gnome-db functionality I have written
> an adapter to the libgda API.
> One of the interface methods creates a table from some meta data. Actually I
> would like to delegate the call to the convenience function
> "gda_prepare_create_table". However the variable arguments mechanism makes
> this impossible since the column names, types and attributes are only known
> at runtime. Though I was able to work around this by using the
> "gda_server_operation_set_value_at" function this is quite a tedeous
> approach. So my question is: Is there any convenience function similar to
> "gda_prepare_create_table" which could be called without using varargs?

No, there is not: the gda_prepare_create_table() and associated
similar functions are for a quick and easy usage of Libgda's basic
tasks, but for a better control, you'll have to use the
GdaServerOperation objects direclty. To simplify this, you can use the
actual implementation of gda_prepare_create_table() as a starting



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