Re: [gnome-db] libgda: Take class hierarchy into account in gda_dict_declare_object?

On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 00:27 +0100, Armin Burgmeier wrote:
> When wrapping GdaQuery for libgdamm I noticed that every time one wants
> to use a GdaQuery in C++ libgda prints an ugly warning to the screen
> (and probably does not behave correctly) that is caused by the GdaDict
> object declaration system (namely gda_dict_declare_object_as() ).
> libgdamm subclasses GdaQuery to allow implementing default signal
> handlers and stuff in C++ but this causes said function not to recognize
> it as a GdaQuery anymore.

Do you know of any actual code in libgda that causes this? Or is this
just a guess. Please provide a link to viewcvs if possible.

> I am not sure about the semantics of that dict object declaration stuff,
> this is why I am asking: Would it be possible to take parent types into
> account if no GdaRegisterDictStruct for the given GType was found? I
> could come up with a patch if you think that this is OK.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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