Re: [gnome-db] Writing a ldap port

On 2/15/07, Exell E. Franklin J. <e_e_f_j yahoo com> wrote:

 Hello to all.
 First i apologise for english sorry.
 ¿if anybody could help me? i will thank you.

 I was seeking some ldap ports examples like msql, as
 Vivien and Rodrigo recomended me.

 Now i'm writing a libgda ldap port implementation
 and i am  stay on gda-ldap-recordset and writing the
 following funtions:

 fetch_row &

 I'm think that fetch_row is to get a row's info and
 gda_ldap_recordset_get_n_rows isto get the rows

Right. Since GdaLdapRecordSet inherits GdaDataModelRow, it must
implement its virtual functions.

 I know that ldap is not a data base like *sql is
 a «directory entries».

 When i am searching with LDAP API functions a server
 can send me three different types of results back to
 the client:
     * Directory entries found by the search.
     * Any search references found within the scope
 of the search (a search reference is a reference
 to another LDAP server).
    * An LDAP result code specifying the result of
 the search operation.
 Where the results are represented by LDAPMessage

 The server returns the search results as a chain of
 LDAPMessage structures. Each structure contains an
 entry, a search reference, or an LDAP result code.
 To access data from entries found by the search, i
 need to follow this general process:

    1. Get each entry in the results.
    2. Get the attributes from each entry.
    3. Get the values from each attribute.

 But i can see the results as a table that have one
 column and n rows.where each row could be a pointer
 to two mores tables a table that represents
 and other table that represents a  values.

 Or  i can see the results as a table that have one
 column and n rows.where each row could be a only
 a informations pointer.

 if i use that, then  with
 get the rows from the eqiv. table
 & with fetch_row i could get the «information's
 pointer» or table's pointer to table's attributes
 and table's values from entries.

 My quetion is:
 ¿is a good vision from that ?.
 ¿anybody has other thinks?
 ¿some ideas?
 Thanks for you attention.
 Rergards to all.

The LDAP has a lot of commented code (because it was obsolete with the
new API), does what you want to do correspond to what the commented
code did? If so, then I believe it's Ok.

I don't know much of LDAP, but when I use it, I can get lists of
people with their name, email, phone, etc. I guess a good approach
would be to return a data model where the rows are one for each person
in the LDAP result, and the columns are name, email, phone, ...

Now, I don't know how queries should be formatted, but maybe it's
possible to map some SQL on top of some "virtual" tables (for example
MDB tools implements its own SQL engine on top of the data stored in
the .MDB files). So maybe there could be a query like "SELECT name,
email FROM organisation_people".

I hope this helps...



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