Re: [gnome-db] An issue and a question

On 12/9/06, Vivien Malerba <vmalerba gmail com> wrote:
On 12/9/06, Phil Longstaff <plongstaff rogers com> wrote:
> I am currently using libgda 1.99.1 and have an issue and a question.
> The issue:
> GDates are rendered into SQL as 'MM-DD-YYYY'.  MySQL doesn't accept this
> format.  It wants 'YYYY-MM-DD'.  I don't see any way to change this.

Libgda handles dates through the GDate structure to avoid depending on
a specific date format. The SQL rendering is done using GdaDataHandler
objects, which are created by each DBMS provider. In the case of
MySQL, I obviously need to modify that obbject to make the rendering
correct, which I'll do ASAP.

This is now fixed in CVS.


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