Re: [gnome-db] PATCH: gda_postgres_remove_row.

On Thu, 2005-01-20 at 20:27 +1000, Bas Driessen wrote:
> > Ok, I'll let Rodrigo decide for the 1.2 branch and I'll do the commit
> > for the HDEA branch ASAP (this WE propably).
> Regarding the 1.2 branch. The only reason I keep asking for my changes
> to go into the 1.2 branch, is that I assume that a 1.2.1 release will be
> cut way earlier than a release containing HEAD (2.0.0 ?? )
there will be a 1.2.1 release soon, as soon as we get the FreeTDS part
sorted out, and then, probably, more 1.2.x versions with bugfixes.

>  If however
> you will start a similar release cycle as you did with 1.0.x vs 1.1.x
> where there will be a release in the not to distant future, then I am
> happy to go with that. So if possible, can you please give some estimate
> release dates of the new 1.2.x vs 2.0.x (or 1.3.x) road map?
hard to know, but we'll try to release unstable versions (1.9.x) as
often as possible. In fact, it would probably be a good idea to do them
like every 2 weeks or every month.

For stable, as I said, we'll do more releases as we fix bugs.

> For me (and for everybody I assume) it is so much easier to build and
> release a software package around an official libgda release rather than
> an own composition.
yes, indeed, that's why we need to release often, both unstable and
stable releases.
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

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