Re: [gnome-db] Access to last auto_increment value (mysql_insert_id)

Adam Williams wrote:
On Fri, 2004-03-05 at 05:09, Rodrigo Moya wrote:

On Thu, 2004-03-04 at 23:56 +0000, Nigel Titley wrote:


I'm building an application using libgda as an abstraction layer over a
mysql database. I am using the auto_increment column type to generate
unique ids for each row in a table. My question is: is it possible to
access the generated id after executing the INSERT. If I was using the
mysql API directly, I would use the mysql_insert_id() function, but
despite a diligent search of the documentation, the archives of this
list, and the gda-mysql source code, I can't seem to see a way of doing
this. Without this functionality, the auto_increment facilty is of
limited usefulness.

Can someone point me in the direction of documentation that could help

there is no direct way to get it. I guess the best thing would be, in
libgda 1.2, to set the ID on the field on insertion, and have the data
model's new added row have that value in the corresponding field. Thus,
you'll have just to read the field in the new row.

I'll add it to the 1.2 code soon.

Isn't there SELECT DBINFO("SQLCA.SQLERRD1") like functionality?

I think I've seen statements like "select LAST_INSERT_ID();" in MySQL
applications.  I have no idea excatly what it means as I don't use

It varies from database to database. But yeah you can normally do a sql statement to find out last id. But this should be done by the provider.

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