Re: [gnome-db] papyrus reporting engine

On Fri, 2003-05-09 at 04:18, Andrew Hill wrote:
> I'm not sure if any of you are interested or not but i've recently 
> released the XML based reporting engine I did under the GPL.  If you've 
> developed a xml reporting engine then it proberly doens't matter, but if 
> you havn't we could merge it into code base.
we've got the basics almost done, but nothing really working. So, yeah,
we could try merging.

> Papyrus is quite stable and been used in production envoriments for half 
> a year now.  It supports mysql and postgresql. It doens't support 
> gnome-db, but it would be easy to add support for it.  It just uses a 
> library plugin envirment where you write a library that wrapper around 
> gnome-db calls, place it in the right directory, and it has gnome-db 
> support.

> The process that it works on is a 3 phase
> Resolve all database and function calls in xml file, so only text is in 
> the xml file.
> Generate a latex file from the xml file (if you use latex engine, could 
> use html or ansi engine instead).
> Then convert latex file to ps, pdf etc.
looks good

> At the moment I'm relooking at the sql parser I wrote a while ago for 
> gnome-db. I'm not sure if you guys used or not.  Or have done much 
> changes. 
we haven't done many changes, just some compilation fixes. And it's not
used too much, just being used in the (unfinished) GdaSelect class.

So, first thing to do should be, IMO, to add libgda support to papyrus.
Could you point us to the right direction for doing so?


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