RE: [gnome-db] Compiling libgda in cygwin

El lun, 24-03-2003 a las 20:30, Fernando Martins escribió:

> you might want to check this thread on former tries to compile on cygwin.
> There are other threads on the list you might want to look for.

Ok, I've read this. But my problem seems to be "earlier" that the
questions shown there.

It seems to be related to the gnome-autogen tool, included in
gnome-common. It does not find any of the components and libraries it
needs to work -> autoconf, automake, libtool, etc., although they are
actually there (I have used all of them to build other packages).

I think it's about gnome-autogen configuration (perhaps I have to define
some environment variable, or give some paths to the tool), but I don't
know where to start looking for. Gnome people theirselves say that
gnome-common is a GNOME internal tool, not intended for use by external
people :-?

> You might also want to consider compiling with MinGW.

Sorry, but this is not an option, for now. I would like to continue with
Cygwin, because I have already done quite work with other packages.


Andres Moya <Andres Moya hispalinux es>

"No a la guerra - Otro mundo es posible"
"No queremos a Bush - Tampoco a Sadam"

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