Re: [gnome-db] Great work guys.

* giovedì 07 novembre 2002, alle 08:47, Vivien Malerba scrive:
> Normally this window always appear and then either there is some data in
> the table (and that data is displayed) or there is no data and a label saying
> there is no data is displayed.
> Could you send me the structure and some of the data in the table so I
> can try to figure out what is wrong?
> Thanks,
> Vivien

This is the "books" table structure in the "biblioteca" DB which has
these tables:

biblioteca=> \d
                  List of relations
              Name               |   Type   |  Owner  
 art_geologia                    | table    | antonio
 art_informatica                 | table    | antonio
 books                           | table    | antonio
 books_id_autore_seq             | sequence | antonio
 fotocopie_libri                 | table    | antonio
 libreria_elettronic_id_file_seq | sequence | antonio
 libreria_elettronica            | table    | antonio
 manuali_stampati                | table    | antonio
 manuali_stampati_id_manuale_seq | sequence | antonio
 soc_geol_it                     | table    | antonio
 soc_geol_it_id_titolo_seq       | sequence | antonio
(11 rows)

biblioteca=> \d books
                                        Table "books"
   Column    |          Type          |                       Modifiers                       
 id_autore   | integer                | not null default
 autore      | character varying(80)  | 
 titolo      | character varying(130) | 
 editore     | character(40)          | 
 anno_pub    | date                   | 
 isbn        | character varying(25)  | 
 argomento   | character varying(50)  | 
 in_possesso | boolean                | 
 lib_address | character(10)          | 
 abstract    | text                   | 
 costo       | character(10)          | 
Unique keys: books_id_autore_key


Here is some data from the "books" table:

 id_autore |                                      autore
|                                                          titolo
|                 editore                  |  anno_pub  |         isbn
|                     argomento                      | in_possesso |
lib_address |
|   costo    
        32 | Antonio Albanese - Fabbiana Simone
| Introduzione all'uso del PC.
| Ed. Simone                               |            |
|                                                    | f           |
| Guida introduttiva all'uso dei PC.
| Euro 16   
        33 | Antonio Albanese - Fabbiana Simone
| PC No Problem.
| Ed. McGraw Hill                          |            |
|                                                    | f           |
| Famosa collana dedicata ai principianti. Tratta hardware, internet,
suite office. Molto incentrato sul mondo Microsoft.
| Euro 20   
        19 | Bruce Ellsworth Davis
| GIS: A Visual Approach
| OnWord Press                             | 2001-04-17 | 076682764X
| gis                                                | f           |
| A nontechnical, visual shortcut to mastering GIS fundamentals, pairing
intuitive graphs and illustrations with concise definitions of GIS
concepts and examples of real-life applications. Coverage includes GIS
and the information age, GIS basics, data manipulation, raster and
vector for nontechnicians, topology, analysis, site suitability, and
data conversion. Useful for students and professionals new to GIS,
including those for whom English is a second language, and as a
reference for more experienced practitioners.

Hope this helps.


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