Re: [gnome-db]Introductions and Proposed Changes

On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 03:34:51PM +0200, Reinhard Müller wrote:
> > I am wondering if you,
> > or anybody else has gotten an opportunity to implement these changes, or if I
> > should take them as my 'marching orders', so to speak.
> As far as I can tell nothing has been implemented. However, the most
> important point IMHO would be implementing GObject signal handling as
> this is available meanwhile. This would make the GTK-less version usable
> finally.

Actually, I've written a new 'class', GdaObject, which encapsulates most of the
differences between Gtk 1.2 and GLib 1.3 (about the only thing I wasn't able to
encapsulate was the different signatures of the various class and instance init
functions), including signal emmissions.  I'm in the process of migrating the
current code over to GdaObject.  Once that is complete, I'll make my changes

Also, if anybody has ideas for encapsulating the function signatures (short of
re-implementing GObject), I'm all ears.


A kind word need not cost much,
The price of praise can be cheap:
With half a loaf and an empty cup
I found myself a friend.
--Havamal, St. 52

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