Re: Antw: reports (clarification)

>>> Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo linuxave net> 22.09.2000  11.12 Uhr >>>
> ...
> why not use the same DTD, but with a, for example, <DATA> section filled
> in with the data? It's just an idea, but I think it makes sense, for not
> having several DTDs around, but only one.
I don't want many DTDs but exactly 2:
- one for the report template, that the report designer or any other application creats
  and sends to to populating-engine.
- a second one for the report populated with data, that is send to the rendering-engine.

The report engine has to do some changes with the structure of the report.
The template has a tree structure:

  <groupheader newpage="yes">
    --  some report-elements
    <groupheader newpage="no">
       --  some report-elements
        --  some report-elements
      --  some report-elements
    --  some report-elements

In the populated report, we don't need to distinguish groupheaders, groupfooters
and detailsections, we only have data sections and so we have a simple list
of data sections

<data newpage="yes">
  --  some report-elements   (was outer group header)
<data newpage="no">
  --  some report-elements   (was inner group header)
<data newpage="no">
  --  some report-elements   (was detail-section)
<data newpage="no">
  --  some report-elements (also detail-section)
<data newpage="no">
  --  some report-elements   (was inner group footer)
<data newpage="no">
  --  some report-elements   (was inner group header)
many more data sections

IMO the populating-step and the rendering-step are very different. Therefore we
have two related, but different XML-file-formats (=DTDs)


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