new release

Hi all!

I've been this weekend talking with Miguel de Icaza (he's been in Madrid
for the Hispalinux
congress) about fixing the gnome-db support in gnumeric. Yes, I know
notably nobody knew
about this support, but it was added by Michael Lausch a couple of years
ago. The problem
is that since then, there was no maintainer, so the plugin was only on
CVS ready for people
knowing about it.

But now, I've just sent a patch to Miguel to make it compile, and, as
soon as everything works,
we'll make a new gnome-db/libgda release to be ready when the new
gnumeric is released.

So, for this, I need a little help, specially in the RPM stuff. As you
may remember, I had some
problems trying to separate the packages when I did the latest release,
so now that I've got
more time, I would like to really fix it. So, again, is there somebody
knowing about RPM stuff
to lend me a hand?

Antoher thing: I've been talking in private with Akira about making
weekly packages from CVS
(debs and RPMs) and he agreed, so after this new release, there will be
weekly packages built
to avoid the "hundred" messages we get between one release and another
about people
having problems with the bonobo/GConf/oaf versions installed on their

And, Holger: do you think the sybase provider is ready to be packaged as
the other stable
providers for this new release? If so, I'll take into account this when
redesigning the .spec

and that's all


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