Re: new release

On jeu, 25 mai 2000, you wrote:

> yes, that's true. It worked a couple of hours before. I've sent a
> message to gnome-hackers to see what I must do to have it online again.


> > 
> I also think what Damon said is true, and I sent a message to the GTK
> list, and I was told to send a 'real' bug report, which I haven't done,
> so maybe you can open your bug-buddy and do it yourself?

I'll do it.
> And if you think it's ok to go like they are on CVS, I'll do the RPMs
> today.

Yes! But for the sources tarballs, make sure they compile. When I try to
compile from the CVS, it appears there are some problems with gda-dev, doc/es
and bindings.

> > BTW, I've started to make something for the XmlQuery object.
> >
> Great! Remember to put this in the gda-common directory, so that both
> clients and providers can make use of it.

I'll do that as soon as it starts to be usable.



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