Re: GnomeDbControlWidget stuff

> > Vivien, do you want to do it, or I'll do it myself? If you want, I can
> > add the basic GTK+ type stuff, so that you just have to concentrate on
> > the Bonobo part.
> What do you exactely intend to put into that class? Because I wanted to do some
> work on the XML queries (I have received some comments about it). But I can do
> the bonobo part if you want, I can find some time for it!
I intend to wrap all the access to the Bonobo API, so that we don't have
to change several files anytime there is a big change in Bonobo. Well,
that's the same as for the GnomeDbControl and GnomeDbContainer classes.

I asked you if you wanted to do it because I thought you may be
interested, but if you're doing the XML queries, perfect! I'll do this
class myself.

> >
> > I've also changed the way of loading the config components in the
> > gda-manager, as we talked yesterday, so the missing thing is, again, the
> > properties. BTW, there was an answer from Michael Meeks (one of the
> > Bonobo hackers) to your question Vivien.
> I'm trying the properties stuff with the newest version of bonobo (0.11) right
> now.
I'm compiling right now with the RPMs you sent me.

> >
> > Also, please use the new front end (gda-fe in CVS version), and tell me
> > what you think. IMO, it is great, although it's missing much stuff.
> >
> >From was I see it looks nice! However, it crashed when I tried to get the
> functions list with the extra info. I've also had a look at your modifications
> of gda-mgr, and I find it really nice and easy to use!
Yes, that's a bug in the GnomeDbBrowser, so the old fe does the same.
I'll fix it very soon.

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