Re: XML File format


>         If I well understand (I don't know XML yet), you store also the
>         data of all your table in the XML file ?
>         And also the SQL order to create it ?
>         It's a kind of dump of a db, isn't it ?

Yes, but they are optional. That is, you can just provide the DB design stuff,
without the data nor the SQL command. This data is provided to allow the
export/import of an entire database, but you can provide it if you want, the
XML functions won't complain if they are not present.

>         db_designer will not be (as far as I think of it) a SQL front end
>         for any rdbms.
>         It's just a tool to help db design. One the db will be design,
>         either it will call gda-server for creating db directly into the
>         rdbms either it will generate a SQL script to create the db (this
>         script could be generate by gda-xxxx-server ?)
>         I'm not really thinking of this for now ... so It will be more
>         clear for me later.

This part is not implemented yet, but we should find a way of having this
XML file (without SQL="") imported directly into an open connection. If the SQL
command is provided, there is no problem (although there could be problems if
you export the file with a RDBMS and try to import it into a different RDBMS),
but there will be a way of doing so without the SQL create commands.


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