Re: gnome-db2

Reaction may be slow a little...

>>>>> On Sat, 12 Aug 2000 21:48:55 +0200,
>>>>> "RM" == Rodrigo Moya <> wrote:

RM> A missing thing both in libgda and gnome-db2, are packages. Both spec
RM> and debian stuff is broken or is not present at all. Akira, I'm sorry
RM> for giving you so much work, but this is needed as the last
RM> restructuration before a really-stable release. For the spec files, I'd
RM> be very grateful if somebody wants to help.

Hmm... I hope that gnome-db2 and libgda can build with one
configure. for example, we can select whether we build a
GNOME dependence part with --with-gnome/--without-gnome
option of a configure in Glade.
It is very simple, but curreytly gnome-db2 isn't simple.

However, you should divide it into perfection if you think
that libgda is the other modules which are not part of
gnome-db (not the meaning as working now).
if so, libgda in gnome-db2 is needless, and you has only to
add a check of libgda to configure. and, libgda must offer
the source package which is different from gnome-db.

because libgda is very friendly with gnome-db, I like a
way of the former(--with-gnome/--without-gnome).

How do you think?

Best regards,
Akira TAGOH <at@ue-spacy.ccom>

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