Re: Antw: New gda-report's DTD

"Derek A. Neighbors" escribió:

> > Well, i think that you are confused, we are making a report engine gnome
> > independent, but what we are talking about is a graphical interface to make
> > and show reports, those interfaces will use the gda-report as backend. Then
> > you could do a kde-report or a motif-report and if we could port it into
> > Windows a win-report :-D
> >
> >
> > Do you understand the idea?
> I guess I was confused because they were not being discussed as two separate pieces. :)  Also, I am a bit confused why the front end and the DTD is designed before the engine?

The front end is not been designed at the moment, only the DTD and of course the engine (look at CVS for the libgda branch).

> > I think that this option is not valid in all situations, think in a graphic
> > aplication that want show a report exit, you should take it the output
> > transparent, the user see the report as other part of the application, (s)he
> > don't need go to other program....
> Jade is simply a translation engine.  It should have nothing to do with your client at all.  It would just provide the data the client would use.  I am not saying its the right tool/library.  Just that it is already written to do an xml to ps, pdf, html, rtf, etc conversion.

Ok, then i suppose that this "engine" is only useful to the front end when the user wants export the report to another static format (or do you think that it must be integrated at the libgda module?).

> I am on holiday, but will try to get you my ideas in full upon return.  Monday.

Ok i will be waiting for those ideas.

> Derek Neighbors
> GNU Enterprise

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