Re: Little problem compiling the cvs stuff...

Joaquín Cuenca Abela wrote:
> I've made a little patch to gnome-db, and in order to test it, I've
> compiled the cvs stuff with:
> ./configure --prefix=/usr
> make
> make install
> (previously I had installed the lasts rpms).
> Now, when I run gda-fe, and I try to connect with my dbms, I obtain:
> Error on option
> --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:gda-mysql:b04e9dc2-1cc8-4027-8cf9-27dcb6a2a63f:
> unknown option.
> Run 'gda-mysql-srv --help' to see a full list of available command line
> options.
> gda-connection.c: 54: gda_connection_real_error called
> Any ideas?
> (if I try 'gda-mysql-srv --help' it yields:
> .
> .
> .
> Gnome Object Activation Directory
>   --activate-goad-server=GOAD_ID   (Internal use only) GOAD server ID to
>                                    activate
>   --goad-fd=GOAD_FD                (Internal use only) GOAD file
> descriptor
> .
> .
> .
> )
It looks like something with the oaf_popt_options (needed for correct
OAF use). And looking at the code, I've seen that they're not used if
using GNORBA. So, it's now added to CVS (it's just the
gda-srv/gda-server-init.c file).

But, please, switch to OAF as soon as you can. As Michael Meeks says:
"GNORBA is dead". I suppose, if you're really using Bonobo with GNORBA,
it's because of Abiword, is it? If so, as soon as I come back from my
holidays, I offer my help to make the switch to OAF. If not, you can
look at the gnome-db code, and look for the "#if defined(USING_OAF)" to
see the differences.

> P.S.: To me, the "cvs stuff" = gnome-db module.  Is it correct, or do I
> have to download the libgda & gnome-db2 modules?
In a couple of hours or so, I'll check in the gnome-db2 module, and from
then, please use it, although there are some things in gnome-db that are
not present in gnome-db2. But the front end is basically there, and the
manager is complete.

The libgda module is complete, so you'll find there the same than in
gnome-db. But this is (almost) OAF-only!!

But, if you are going to send patches, do it against gnome-db2 and


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