Re: Antw: New gda-report's DTD

Derek Neighbors escribió:

> > but, I don't understand why you want libglade for. The output of the
> > report should be rendered with gnome-print IMO, which has a preview
> > option, and which you can directly send to the printer, whereas a form
> > in glade format could be quite difficult to print.
> I urge you to look at a neutral solution.  Locking someone into Gnome only
> is very short sighted.  If you want the ultimate reporting tool I would
> aim at something that can encompassed by multiplatforms as well as teh
> web.

Well, i think that you are confused, we are making a report engine gnome
independent, but what we are talking about is a graphical interface to make
and show reports, those interfaces will use the gda-report as backend. Then
you could do a kde-report or a motif-report and if we could port it into
Windows a win-report :-D

Do you understand the idea?

> If you have XML as the output you could use jade to convert to a ton of
> different outputs.  Even if you think that is loony, I would suggest
> against a gnome only solution.

I think that this option is not valid in all situations, think in a graphic
aplication that want show a report exit, you should take it the output
transparent, the user see the report as other part of the application, (s)he
don't need go to other program....

> -derek

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