Re: [gnome-cy] A body
- From: David Chan <david sheetmusic org uk>
- To: gnome-cy www linux org uk
- Subject: Re: [gnome-cy] A body
- Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 08:35:13 +0100
Sgrifennodd Illtud Daniel:
> The Knoppix idea is an obvious way to get the software out to people,
> but I'm wondering - have you considered approaching Golwg (welsh
> 'lite' weekly magazine, circulation ~12,000 - or that might be
> readership. See and getting them to distribute the
> disk?
[see below for English]
Baswn i'n falch iawn o weld Knoppix Cymraeg, a dwi'n meddwl gallai Golwg
fod yn ffordd dda i gysylltu a+ phobl. Ond dwi'n amau fasai llawer o
bobl ddim yn defnyddio CD clawr o gwbl. Yn yr Eisteddfod, roedd hi'n
syndod i mi pa mor annhechnegol oedd y rhan helaeth o bobl nes i siarad
a+ nhw. Doedd fawr ohonyn nhw hyd yn oed yn gwybod bod nhw'n defnyddio
Microsoft Office, er eu bod nhw, bob dydd. Daeth hi'n amlwg fasai pobl
ddim yn lawrlwytho Cymraeg na mewnosod o CD, heb gymorth
rhywun mwy technegol - dydy pobl ddim yn ddigon hyderus i newid pethau
ar eu cyfrifiaduron, dim ots pa mor hawdd dan ni'n addo byddai hi.
Yn fy marn i, basai hi'n well cael erthygl yn Golwg, i godi
ymwybyddiaeth yn y boblogaeth gyffredinol am beth sydd ar gael, a+
cyfeiriad e-bost, rhif ffo+n neu wefan ar y gwaelod i archebu CDs. Petai
pobl yn ymddiddori, gallen nhw ofyn i techie o ffrind gael copi a'i
fewnosod drostyn nhw. Ond os ni'n dosbarthu 12,000 o CDs efo Golwg,
gallai 11,500 ohonyn nhw gael eu defnyddio fel matiau coffi - dwi'n
credu fod success rate CDs Netscape yn rywbeth fel 3%.
Y bobl baswn i'n licio gweld ar yr hit list ydy athrawon, sysadmins,
siopau cyfrifiaduron, pobl sy'n gweithio mewn swyddfeydd, pobl sy'n
rhedeg cwmniau, ayyb - techies, neu bobl sy'n gwneud penderfyniadau am
feddalwedd. Dw i'n meddwl os dan ni'n ceisio marchnata i unigolion sy
ddim yn technegol, byddan nhw'n debyg o ddweud "syniad gwych!" ond dal i
ddefnyddio eu hen stwff Saesneg o Microsoft oherwydd inertia. Dwi'n
meddwl basai'n well defnyddio arian Loteri i farchnata i sefydliadau,
oherwydd bod nhw'n gwario arian ar feddalwedd drwy'r amser ac maen nhw'n
fwy tebyg o wneud penderfyniadau penodol am beth maen nhw'n brynu.
Ond does gen i fawr o brofiad mewn marchnata, felly mae'n bosib bydd
pobl yn anghytuno :-)
I'd be very glad to see Knoppix Cymraeg and I think Golwg could be a
good way of getting through to people. But I reckon lots of people
wouldn't use a cover CD at all. I was surprised in the Eisteddfod by
how non-technical most people were that I spoke to. Lots of them didn't
know they were using Microsoft Office every day. It became clear to me
that not many people would install Welsh from CD/internet
without the help of someone technical - people aren't confident enough
to change things on their computers even if we promise it'll be very
I reckon it would be better just to have an article in Golwg, raising
awareness about what's available, with an email address / phone number /
website at the bottom for ordering CDs. If people were interested they
could ask a techie friend to get a copy and install it for them. But if
we distribute 12,000 CDs with Golwg, 11,500 of them may get used as
coffee mats - IIRC Netscape's success rate with distributed CDs was
about 3%.
The people I'd like to see on the hit list are teachers, sysadmins,
computer shops, people working in offices, people who run companies etc
- techies, or people who make decisions about software. I think if we
try to market to individuals who aren't technical, they'll probably say
"great idea!" but keep using their old stuff in English from Microsoft
because of inertia. I think it'd be better to use Lottery money to
market to organisations, because they spend money on software all the
time and they're more likely to make definite decisions about what they
But then again, I don't have much experience of marketing, so people may
disagree :-)
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