Status of the service maintainers,

It's probably a good time for us to start discussing a better way to
manage the machine, especially in terms of available
SOPs, guidelines and Nagios checks in place in order for the GNOME
Infrastructure team to be able to properly administer the service when
no one else (mainly Colin and Vadim) is around to help.

On this side the whole service seemed to be down for around two days 
(from the 1st to the 3rd) and the only way we noticed the outage was 
someone joining #sysadmin and reporting the downtime.

What we currently have handy is the following howto wiki page [1] 
listing a series of commands to execute to seemingly start / restart 
the service itself but we don't have any additional knowledge on how 
to monitor the service nor any documentation to look at to properly 
debug the build tools properly.

I really want to improve how the administration of the 
service is handled and as such I need your help and suggestions. 

Have a great day!


P.S.1 SELinux is temporarily disabled until we figure out a working
policy for the service to not disrupt
P.S.2 Please keep me CC-ed to your e-mails as I'm not subscribed to 
the list




Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin Team Coordinator,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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