Re: Jenkins-based Continuous

On 16 October 2014 12:38, Vadim Rutkovsky <vrutkovs redhat com> wrote:

Hi Vadim, interesting work!

I was playing with Jenkins and Continuous recently and got some interesting results, which might improve 
current situation with UI.
Jenkins takes care of many minor aspects current is missing like storing task 
history, many plugins, configuration without committing to git etc.
The heart of it is still the same 'ostbuild make', but with different params and overall workflow.


Biggest disadvantages are:
 1. Java. Builders should be able to run java client to execute instructions
 2. Integration/Application tests and -devel-debug are being run less frequently
 3. Web UI might look a bit more complicated for beginners

Did you have any benchmark about timings? ie, if its faster/slower to
have a final image after a commit change in any of the repositories
tracked by gnome-continuous?

Javier Jardón Cabezas

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