Re: Slow gnome-contacts startup

Yes, I did some profiling and saw that a lot of the time is spent in contacts-view. I can save 4 out of 9 seconds by commenting out the two child_changed calls in contacts-view.vala. Perhaps those can be called once, at the end of startup? One of them is in set_custom_sort_prio - does that really have to be called every time a contact is added?

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 2:39 AM, Alexander Larsson <alexl redhat com> wrote:

> Sorry to keep spamming the list like this, but I have discovered some
> more on my quest to make gnome-contacts start up faster. Yes its
> really true, the list Gnome got from my Gmail account really does
> contain 1402 contacts!

1402 contacts is much, but i don't think its unreasonable for us to

> This line seems to take an unreasonable amount of time, per contact:
>           this.add_contact (new Contact (this, new_individual));
> It seems to me that the Contact constructor might be too expensive.
> I'll try profiling.

This triggers the creation of the widgets in the list too, maybe its
blocking on reading the icon or something?

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