Re: DnD of Contacts one on another to link it

2011/10/30 Erick Pérez Castellanos <erick red gmail com>
1. Which icon/image/cairo_surface will we use on the DnD to tell we are
linking a contact ?

If I understood correctly that you are talking about the contact's picture in the above, IMHO the source contact's icon should be used during the DnD operation. And since the source is being dropped on to another contact (target), we can consider source as secondary and target as primary contact info, so after the merge, the icon of target should be the primary icon to be displayed.
2. I have to be online to handle my contacts ? I tried create a new
contact being offline at home and I got some error. Is this right, or is
this a bug ? I think uses should be able to handle their contacts no
matter their connection status. Anyway that can be a bug.

Yeah, it should count as a bug, I should be able to handle contacts even while offline.


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