Re: keyboard shortcuts in gnome 2.0.6

On Sex, 2003-03-14 at 22:10, Matt Potts wrote:
> Does anyone know how to set up *customized* keyboard shortcuts
> in gnome 2.0.6?  The default ones don't help me much.  I want to
> be able to run arbitrary commands (such as bringing up an xterm)
> via a keystroke command (such as Ctrl-Shift-1).

  This is definitely the wrong list for these questions.
  I don't think there is any standardized way for global keybindings. 
You have to configure your window manager.  For example, in metacity
configure with:
	gconf-editor /apps/metacity

  Good luck.

Gustavo Joćo Alves Marques Carneiro
<gjc inescporto pt> <gustavo users sourceforge net>

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