Re: BonoboControl without BonoboWindow in GNOME2 - any better than in GNOME1


> a shed load of research, and careful work - if you're interested you get
> to do it - sorry. 
Well, then forget about it. Certainly, I am not strong enough to
accomplish this mission. But it's still pity that noone except
BonoboWindow can really embed BonoboControls with all their co-widgets:(

> 	then run your app that uses CORBA - and (if it's linking correctly) it
> will spew traces of all the CORBA traffic.
Yes! I got this output. I am not sure I understand the output correctly
but still...

What I do:

I run the same app creating embedded control (first time for .png,
second time for .ps) and adding a couple of commands (actually, you can
find them in GNOME_Panel_Popup.xml:) into the popup by:

bonobo_ui_util_set_ui( buico, "/usr/share/gnome-2.0/ui",
                           "GNOME_Panel_Popup.xml", "panel", NULL );

Very simple, isn't it? So, as I wrote above, ggv control shows me the
menu with these 2 commands ONLY (when I display .ps file) and eog shows
me its own menu WITHOUT these 2 commands (where I display .png file).

Looking at the orbit2 traces, I don't see any differences which would
explain me the situation. Here I attach the traces (hope 41K will not
make me a bad fame of traffic eater here) - Michael, could you please
have a look and say your opinion on the difference. I really apologize
for anyone who will have problem because of my attachment.



Attachment: eog.trace.bz2
Description: application/bzip

Attachment: ggv.trace.bz2
Description: application/bzip

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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