Re: File Selector and Bonobo?

On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 23:53, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 06:35:34PM +0000, Gustavo J. A. M.  Carneiro wrote:
> [...]
> >   Also, I doubt that any gtk file selector will ever support gnome-vfs
> > URIs[1], so I think it is important to keep a gnome file selector. Maybe
> > the gnome file selector would be able to extend the gtk one to add VFS
> > support. But in this case, the gtk team must be requested to design a
> > file selector with extensibility in mind.
> [...]
> > [1] Unless gtk addes a gnome-vfs dependency, which doesn't make too much
> > sense and seems impractical at this point.
> You have not been following the discussion on desktop-devel in all its

  Well, I'm not even subscribed to desktop-devel!  I thought that list
was meant for disucssing everything but coding.  I guess I was wrong :)

  I think I'll subscribe, now.  Anyway, good to hear this matter isn't


> myriad twisty paths. That (pushing the VFS layer down to where it's
> either a hard-dependency or a runtime detectable thing for GTK) is
> exactly what is being discussed over there in one of the
> sub-sub-sub-threads. As for the "must be requested" part, I think it's a
> matter of verious people coming up with a sane design that can be coded.
> Simply insisting that other people do the design and coding is about as
> effective as pushing water uphill.
> This is a _very_ difficult issue with probably too many conflicting
> requirements (and too many personalities involved to be resolved to the
> satisfaction of all).
> Malcolm
Gustavo Joćo Alves Marques Carneiro
<gjc inescporto pt> <gustavo users sourceforge net>

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