stupid question?


Here is a stupid question (perhaps).

I've been playing around alittle in bonobo and it's really sweet :).

If I understand things correctly here is parts of how the classes hang

GtkObject ->    BonoboObject ->         BonoboXObject
                            |-> BonoboPropertyBag
                            |-> BonoboControlFrame

The thing I don't understand is that the I can convert the BonoboControlFrame 
to a GtkObject using GTK_OBJECT(control_frame) but I cannot convert the 
BonoboPropertyBag to a GtkObject with GTK_OBJECT.  

Maybe this is exactly the way it's supposted to be but I don't understand it.  
Can someone explain?


Erik Bågfors               |    
erik bagfors nu            | Erik Bagfors engohol se
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