Re: Proposal of a Bonobo::Zoomable interface

> Currently, there is no good zooming interface in Bonobo.
> I mean, there is this "set_zoom_level" signal on a BonoboView,
> but there is no way for a container application to
> a) find out whether a component supports zooming

Zooming as implemented in Bonobo is there for using in compound
documents, and you really should support that in your component if it
is supposed to be part of an embeded document.  

> b) ask the component for its current zoom factor

You always set this, or you should be able to keep track of this
without requiring the embedded piece to report this

> c) ask the component about its zooming capabilities, for instance
>    if it has a minimum/maximum zoom factor, if it only supports
>    fixed zoom levels etc.

This seems like it will bloat every application.  Now every
application will have to query its components and find out what sizes
the embedded is happy to deal with.

When the right thing to do is to have every component support zooming
at every resolution possible.  


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