Re: service stereotype thingies

textshell t-online de writes:

> [I'm not hacking with bonobo, so please excuse me if I miss something
> obvious]
> I have some problems about using oaf for checking what services a given
> bonobo object supports. I'm not an oaf guru, but I think it is quite
> common in object systems to have objects that aren't activated through
> oaf. Many objects just get passed to the client and may never been
> activated through oaf. I don't know how it would be possible to check
> such an object for an service.

Yes, see my other comments about extending OAF to allow you to do
introspection on active objects.

> btw i don't like the term service, too. We should think about sth.
> better (stereotype?).

I don't like the terms "stereotype" or "service" ("stereotype" is
better because it's less likely to be confused with other things.

 - Maciej

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