Re: it's scary

On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 02:21:25PM -0700, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> Bonobo is extremely simple to use for simple things, due to the
> excellent GtkObject wrappers. Unfortunately, the complexity level
> rises pretty quickly if you want to do anything vaguely
> complicated. For instance, using query_interface at all exposes the
> CORB_Object level; there's really nothing sensible it can return but a
> CORBA_Object. So you have to know what the proper GtkObject wrapper is
> yourself, and do the wrapping manually.

I don't see how it couldn't be a function of GnomeObjectClient instead,
and have GnomeObjectClient contain a hash of qi'd for interfaces,
and have every 'client-side' call wrapped with a function that
takes a GnomeObjectClient as the first argument (instead of using
the CORBA function directly and passing in the CORBA_Object)


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