Re: sequence creation (it can't be this difficult)

You can ignore the question, but...

In COM you can define (using microsoft IDL ) an interface like this

returnType name( [in] long inSize, [in,out, size_of(long), length_of(returnSize)] char * buffer, [out] long returnSize );

What this specifies is that the transport (COM) will marshall a buffer of size (inSize) for buffer when it is passed to the server. When the server passes the buffer back it may have been reallocated and the transport knows to marshall a buffer of size (returnSize).

However upon reading further I now reallise that this type of thing is irrelevant in CORBA as the sequence types store this information automatically.

> > I come from a COM background where I can use size_of and length_of
> > transport modifiers to automate buffer allocations. Is there a similar
> > feature with ORBit?
> 	No idea what these so; can you give a code fragment that uses
> these ?

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