Re: Dumb moniker questions (was Re: Bonobo dependencies ...)

Miguel de Icaza <miguel helixcode com> writes:

> >  2) Can I refer to an HTML NAME using '#'?
> > 
> >
> It is an implementation detail, but my current take is that the '#'
> inside the http moniker could trigger a moniker that would connect a
> stream on the left hand side to a DOM interface on the right hand. 
> So, yes, it is possible to get that behaviour, but the code does not
> exist yet. 
> It could also be triggered only with a double ##.

I'm willing to change the gnome-vfs code to use `##' for this to avoid
the ambiguity if the moniker code will be changed this way.

> >  5) How do I access a file named 'myfile!ab#foo', or something similarly
> >     perverse?
> You use escaping (currently a bug in the code), but basically it needs
> about 6 lines of changes.
> myfile\!ab\#foo

It would probably be better to use URI escaping than backslash escaping:


(gnome-vfs has some URI escaping code, but I guess that won't interest

 - Maciej

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