Re: Getting the iid of a component for activation?

On Fri, 1 Dec 2000, Archit Baweja wrote:

> Well I made a very vanilla-container for embedding the
> bonobo-calculator-control, just to started on some Bonobo Programming. Well
> I have a question (obviously). Well to activate (is this the right term in
> the present context) the component, I need the iid. Well, how do I get it
> without hardcoding it in my source file? Is there some CORBA or OAF or Bonobo
> function which does this? Like give it the control's name and it'll give me the
> full iid.

You're should use the oaf_activate() function (or whatever the Bonobo
equivalent is). Activating by IID is for more unusual situations.

-- Elliot
"The Pythagorean Theorem employed 24 words, the Lord's Prayer has 66 words,
Archimedes Principle has 67 words, the 10 Commandments have 179 words, the
Gettysburg Address had 286 words, the Declaration of Independence, 1,300 words and
finally the European Commission's regulation on the sale of cabbage: 26,911 words."

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