Re: Getting the iid of a component for activation?

Hi Archit,

On Fri, 1 Dec 2000, Archit Baweja wrote:
> Well I made a very vanilla-container for embedding the
> bonobo-calculator-control, just to started on some Bonobo Programming. 
> Well I have a question (obviously). Well to activate (is this the
> right term in the present context) the component, I need the iid.
> Well, how do I get it without hardcoding it in my source file? Is
> there some CORBA or OAF or Bonobo function which does this? Like give
> it the control's name and it'll give me the full iid.
        For now you get to hardcode the IID including its massive
number; but wait, a little bird taps on my shoulder.
        So; some people tell me that most apps have no new interfaces, so
if you want to create a simple calculator app with a built in minesweeper
game, you _have_ to hardcode the IID's unless you add magic new interfaces
to query on.     
        This whole thing is laughable.

 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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