Re: sodipodi ...

> 	  IMHO doing document-view with the canvas is currently evil and
> involves writting a load of but-ugly, inflexible support code that is
> somewhat error prone. I see no reason why with a tad. of cunning logic
> that we cannot implement a thin and generic canvas_mv_ set of functions
> that would proxy each item and distribute arguments and events as
> neccessary, giving trivial doc/view support to all canvas users ( which
> will I think be increasingly neccessary in future ) ( this was one
> requirement of the dia people to move to the canvas ).

Not really.  The Dia people do have their own model *anyways* and they
would just implement a new canvas-based view of the model.

I do not agree that doing model/view with the canvas is evil nor

Gnumeric does handle this case just fine, and adding a model/view
canvas item would not help a single bit the Gnumeric case at all
(consider that the view is more than just the canvas, and that special
code still needs to exist).

My claim is that the advantages of having a model/view canvas will
just make it harder afterwards to modelfy-viewfy the rest of the
non-canvas parts of a Bonobo component.

> 	  b) Printing; does sodipodi print ?

It does, but it obviously could use some of your help and love.


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