

My small question today:
I just wonder why this GNOME::ClientSite::save_object 
If i am not mistaken, a GNOME::Embeddable can call
its GNOME::ClientSite::get_container, then
GNOME::Container::query_interface (IDL:GNOME/Storage:1.0)
then GNOME::Storage::create_storage
then GNOME::Storage::create_stream
then GNOME::Stream::write...
I remember that Inside OLE said something about such a 
save_object method: it was used in fact by the container to 
save the object and a preview (there is some COM interface
for previews i think).
However, i saw no preview stuff and i wonder if it is 
possible to save an X window image to be used as a preview.
Is this feasable and expected to be done in Bonobo, or 
allready done or is simply this interface useless in its 
present state ?


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