Re: libefs

Arturo Tena wrote:
> Back to the version control issue: it would be good, but libefs would had
> to take care of other issues: multiuser modification, branches, merge the
> changes, etc. The same kind of problems that CVS have to deal with.

I do not plan to implement a new CVS, i.e. no multiuser modifications,
no branches, no merging. This would require interactions with the
components! The only feature I plan is read-only access to old versions.

> Please, please, please, design libefs and the applications that will be
> using libefs so if a file-system-in-a-file become damaged it would be
> possible to open the file and read the not damaged part. I mean, when a
> MSWord file is damaged, we can not read ANYTHING!! That is undesirable.
> May be the file-system-in-a-file should be fault tolerant (!?).

I agree, this is important.

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