Re: xpdf status ... yet another day.

Dans un courrier daté du 29/08/99 09:45:20é), a écrit:

> >  
>  >      Note that the whole view-factor thing starts to blur the line
>  >  between Bonobo document embedding and Bonobo conrols: Should the
>  >  zoom-factor affect printing?  Should it be saved in the compound
>  >  document along with the rest of the data?  How do we represent it in a
>  >  moniker?

Anyway, this was a question pending for a long time: how is printing handled 
in bonbo. I noticed there are no interfaces to handle this. (perhaps oi 
should decide myself to undergo a cvs update).

Also, how can we add a component to a container: i noticed that a container 
may list its containee but it happens that it has no interface to add a 
containee. This means that a ontainer must allways create a containee itself. 
containees may not ask a container to be embedded . Does this makes sense ? I 
can find no situation where a containee may ask to be embedded. So it seems 
to make sense but i wonder.


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