Re: Questions

At 10:54 24/06/98 -0400, you wrote:
>> Well, EDMA is mainly the same as COM, a system for packing classes as
>> components and link dynamically their in the applications. In this sense
>> the system is related to the same process in the same machine.
>So are you saying that it is a separate implementation of a component
>object model than CORBA or COM, but it leans more towards COM in features
>and design?
Yes, EDMA is like another COM system, but some features are similar to
CORBA. EDMA manages a system-wide class register that can be seen as an
simple interface-implementation repository.
>So EDMA+SIU allows for distribution of EDMA components across systems, but
>EDMA does not support it directly?
Yes, I write EDMA for reuse the most of the systems avaliable. SIU
extension allows to implement new versions of EDMA primitives in order to
use this other systems from the same framework. What I think that is good
for this architecture is that some features (as distribution for example)
can be implemented using systems that work, as CORBA. This is the systems
reuse that I talk about. In this same sense, SIU can be used to talk to
OCX-ActiveX, or any other technology.
>I'm not as knowledgeable about CORBA as I should be, but I think that
>sounds right.  Since an EDMA program does not use IDL stubs, incorporating
>DII into EDMA should allow for EDMA programs to talk to local EDMA
>programs using EDMA, and talk to CORBA programs and remote EDMA programs
>using CORBA.
This is my idea. I want to use any good system that works instead of
extending EDMA facilities.
>One issue I can see already, is I don't know how ORB-specific a DII
>implementation has to be.  For example, if you write a DII implementation
>using MICO as the ORB, how hard would it be to run on a system using ORBit
>as its ORB?  Would it require recompilation, or a full rewrite?
What I plan to do is some SIU classes as proxy for diferents systems. SIU
classes (as EDMA classes) are dynamic link libraries, and the systems links
their in the application when they are necessary. Since, I think, DII is
the same for all ORB (almost at source code), the source code must be very
similar for any ORB. Maybe, recompilation will be required, but with minor
source modifications (I hope). If there is some dynamic way of accessing
the DII interface of the ORB it will be used to build a SIU class that
dynamically links to the right code, in order to use diferents ORB
implementations in diferents situations.
>What problems were you having running Mico?  Post your Mico compilation
>questions to  Give detailed error messages, it makes
>it easier for others to figure out what might be wrong.
I get an "virtual memory exhausted" error compiling DII module. The rpm
distribution says that need '/sbin/ldconfig', but this program is installed
and runs fine. I will resintall the system and I hope that this problems
will be resolved. If not, I will post the new problems to the

Thank you very much for the reference.
>Chapter 6 of the Mico documentation discusses implementing a DII interface
>between Java and Mico.  A lot of this would be relevant for EDMA.
This will be a good start point. Thanks again.
>> I had been talking with and he tell me that will be interesting
>> that EDMA work well with GNOME. I couldn't install GNOME upto the moment
>> because I can't install Mico on my system (I still know what's the
>> problem), so I don't know very much about GNOME, and then I don't know the
>> way that EDMA will work with it.
>> I think that the way is making EDMA work with CORBA. Any suggestion will be
>> fine.
>Yes, since GNOME is being designed to work with CORBA, making EDMA work
>well with CORBA will help it work well with GNOME.  If EDMA works well
>with CORBA and GNOME, and EDMA offers some functionality or other
>advantage over the more 'traditional' IDL stubbed CORBA, you might find
>some GNOME applications starting to use EDMA.  But first, you need it to
>talk to CORBA.
When I get Mico?, ORBit? working, I will work on making EDMA talk CORBA.
I´m very interesting on doing this. I readed some comments about Mico DII
that says that this implementation is very slow. If this is correct, EDMA
facilities will not be practicals.

David Martínez Oliveira

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