rms contact

Maybe this isn't the best place for this request, but upto the momment I
don't know any other.

I´m talking with Richard Stallman at GNU about EDMA, and in a message I
told him to follow the ORBit's development for make it work with EDMA. I
had received a mail from him in which he request me to ask for someone to
contact him, about this topic.

Is there anybody at this mailing-list that can contat him?. Or, I must to
post this request in other place.

Thanks very much.

David Martínez Oliveira

E-mail: dmartin@tsc.uvigo.es
Personal WEB Page : http://wgpi.tsc.uvigo.es/~dyc
EDMA WEBSite      : http://wgpi.tsc.uvigo.es/~dyc/EDMASite

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